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Tarnsfield Rules and Regulations

Tarnsfield Swim Club, Inc.

Rules and Regulations

(Last modified 11/01/21 for the 2022 season)



a. A member is an individual who has paid for a season membership of any kind.

b. An adult is an individual who is eighteen years of age by June 1st of the same calendar year.

c. A babysitter is an individual who becomes sixteen years of age or older by June 1st of the same calendar year, who is employed by the member to supervise his/her children in the home on a regular basis.

d. Under no circumstances will refunds of membership dues be issued on or after opening day.



As a member of Tarnsfield Swim Club, you and your guests are expected to abide by the following rules in regards to the conduct during any activity held or sanctioned by the club:

a. Maintain a high standard of personal behavior at all times.

b. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of others, regardless of their gender, abilities, cultural background or religion.

c. Be fair, considerate and honest in all dealings with others.

d. Be professional in, and accept responsibility for your actions.

e. Do not use your involvement with the club to promote your own beliefs, behaviors or practices where these are inconsistent with those of the club.

f. Refrain from any acts of physical or verbal aggression towards or harassment of others.

g. Refrain from any behavior that may threaten the integrity of the club.

h. Objectionable language is prohibited.

i. Defacing or damaging property or equipment is prohibited and subject to permanent loss of pool privileges and removal from club grounds.



a. The primary responsibility for enforcement of the Code of Conduct rests with the Pool Manager and Assistant Manager, whomever is on duty. Lifeguards will act as agents of the Manager in  enforcing the rules.

b. The Manager is empowered to eject members (including children) from the premises for violations of the rules. The Manager is also authorized  to suspend pool privileges of any  member for a period not to exceed seven (7) days. A written report of the incident must be submitted to the President and Board of Directors within twenty-four (24) hours of the suspension.

c. Parents are responsible for the behavior of their children and their guests and should acquaint them with the rules.

d. The Board of Directors will interpret these rules and their intent as necessary.

e. If a disagreement as to the meaning of a rule occurs between a member and the Manager/lifeguards, the member may request a ruling from the Board. However, interpretation by the Board will occur after-the-fact. Members are required to follow the on-the-spot instructions of the Manager/lifeguards.

f. Violations of the rules should be brought to the attention of the Manager/lifeguards.

g. Continued or flagrant violations of the rules may, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, lead to permanent loss of privileges.



a. Guests must be accompanied at all times by a member.

b. The conduct of guests is the responsibility of the member under whose names the guests were admitted.

c. Guest fees - Weekdays ($8), Weekends & Holidays ($12)

d. Guests signing in after 5pm will pay half the price of that day's guest fee. Therefore, weekday $4 and weekend/holiday $6.

e. Children under the age of 2 will be admitted free.

f. Non-swimming guests who are senior citizens will be admitted free.

g. A member must purchase a season pass ($125) for an individual who qualifies as a babysitter under Section A.

h. A book of ten (10) guest passes may be purchased for $75, and may carry over to the next swim season.

i. No refunds will be issued for guest passes.



a. The pool is open starting Memorial Day weekend on weekends only, with shortened hours, until a date set by the TSC board based on end of year school closing dates, then will be open seven (7) days a week and will close on Labor Day.

b. Full time hours of operation are 11:30am-8:00pm except on Thursdays and Saturdays, which are 11:30am-9:00pm. These hours may be altered by the Manager for reasons of health, weather or maintenance.

c. After hours use of the club facilities for private parties may be arranged and at the discretion of the Pool Manager.

d. If preparations for an event necessitate closing of the pool prior to the normal closing time, members will be notified at least one week prior to the date of the early closing by notification posted on the bulletin board in the entranceway to the club, or via email notification.

e. Any swim team meets hosted at our club may result in a delayed opening/early closing. In the event a meet is rescheduled due to bad weather, the club may close early on a weekday to reschedule the meet. Once the swim meet schedule becomes available it will be updated on our website calendar and/or Facebook page.​



a. Members must check in and provide their family name at the front gate prior to entering the pool property. Members should also check out upon leaving for the day.

b. No person other than club members or their guests will be permitted on the grounds of the club.

c. Guests must be registered by the host members immediately upon entering the club grounds. Host members must remain with their guests for the duration of their visit.

d. Children age ten (10) and older can be left unattended at the pool with a signed permission slip from the parent. Hours of being unattended are limited to 11:30am-5:30pm Monday-Friday. This privilege may be revoked if the child is sent home from the pool due to behavior issues.

e. Any person who appears to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be refused admittance or requested to leave the premises at the discretion of the management.




a. All persons must shower before entering the pool and after any activities such as volleyball or sunbathing. Keeping sand and dirt out of the pool will help keep your pool cleaner!

b. Persons suffering from communicable or contagious diseases (including COVID or flu-like symptoms), skin diseases, fungus infections, open sores or wearing bandages, should defer from entering the pool or will be refused the use of the pool.

c. Expectorating or nose blowing in the pool is prohibited.

d. No diapers are allowed in the main pool.  Only children who are potty-trained may enter the  main pool. Swim diapers or rubber pants must be worn in the baby pool for those children not  yet potty-trained.

e. Toilet facilities should be used prior to entering the pool. Parents, please instruct your children---violations of the rules can have serious health consequences.

f. Responsibility for maintaining the quality of the water rests with the Pool Manager.



a. Use of the pool in the absence of a regular lifeguard is strictly prohibited

b. No alcoholic beverages are permitted on club property, except at authorized after hours activities.

c. Glass containers are not permitted on club property.

d. Food, beverages, paper or plastic containers are not permitted on the concrete pool apron.

e. Smoking or vaping is prohibited on the pool grounds. Please move across the parking lot to the sidewalk by the street to smoke.

f. No appliances using electricity will be allowed onto the pool grounds, unless their use is approved by the Manager.

g. Running, wrestling, ball playing or undue disturbances will not be tolerated in the bathrooms or pool areas.

h. Diving is only allowed in the diving well. Forward facing, feet first jumping is only allowed in the remainder of the main pool. No jumping into the pool onto a tube/float or with a tube around the body.

i. No hanging from the divider ropes.

j. ONLY one person at a time on the slide. Swimmers must exit the diving well area at the side of the pool. The prior swimmer must have exited the pool before another may use the slide.

k. Use of the baby pool is limited to children six (6) years of age or less, and must remain accompanied by an adult member.

l. Members who cannot pass the swimming test established by the Manager/lifeguards, will not be permitted in the diving well. Tests will be conducted by the Manager/lifeguards.

m. The Manager and lifeguards are authorized to ban any activity not specifically prohibited by these m. Regulations if, in their judgement, the activity constitutes a hazard or nuisance.

n. Chewing gum is prohibited on the pool grounds.

o. All injuries must be reported to the Manager immediately.

p. All members, children and guests use the club facilities at their own risk.



a. All members and guests must wear proper swim attire while using the pool.

b. Playing music at an objectionable volume is prohibited.

c. Cooking food is prohibited except in areas designated by Management for that purpose.

d. No littering. It’s your Swim Club - Please help keep it clean!


The Board of Directors is authorized to make additions, deletions or amendments to these rules if necessary, subject to membership approval at the next regularly scheduled General Meeting.


If you would like a printable PDF copy of these rules and regulations, please use the button below.  Copies are also available at the club (please ask a manager).  





 Tarnsfield Swim Club, Inc.

Bylaws Revised 2018 

Please see link below for newly revised Bylaws.  If there are any questions please contact Board President at

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